Personal Trainer Application

Upgrade your body using Gym Genius

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Welcome Page
My Body

Hello, We Are Gym Genius

Unlock your fitness potential with Gym Genius, the ultimate iOS app designed to revolutionize your workout experience.

Whether you're hitting the commercial gym or prefer the simplicity of bodyweight exercises at home, Gym Genius is your personal trainer in your pocket, guiding you through each workout with precision and care.

Workout Listing
Abs Exercises
Get A Perfect Body

Why Gym Genius?

Workout Plans

Workout Plans

Gym Genius offers you the flexibility to choose workout plans tailored to your goals.

Exercise Library

Exercise Library

Gym Genius gives you access to over 250 exercises for all muscle groups.

Body Metrics

Body Metrics

Stay on top of your fitness journey with our comprehensive body metrics readings feature.


Gym Genius: Workouts Planner

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